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 Respite Support

How respite care can help you


Respite care allows your main carer to have a carer break to avoid carer breakdown. This means our trusted care staff will support you in your home to meet your support needs. 


Respite is a short term support need and can be booked for short term periods, usually with a minimum of 1 week. 


Short breaks can be of great benefit to not just for the main carer, but also the person cared for. 


Benefits of respite care


There are multiple benefits, not only for the main carer, but for the cared for person as well including:


  • Reduced levels of stress for both you and your loved one, help to maintain a healthy relationship.

  • Relieved frustrations and possible feelings of resentment.

  • More time for you to interact with family and friends or the wider community.

  • Provides you with the opportunity to work, study, have a day-off or even go on holiday.

  • Your loved one could benefit from interacting with other carers, new stimuli and a possible change to their usual routine.


Types of Respite Care


Our Respite Care service is flexible and is tailored to your individual needs.


Our care options include:


  • Short-term packages – for example if you are looking to take a holiday

  • Longer-term regular visits – allowing you to take a regular break to rest and recharge such as weekly visits


Support for Main Carers


Our care assistants are able to help with a variety of everyday activities including:


  • Companionship

  • Outings

  • Overnight care

  • Holiday care

  • Personal care

  • Meal preparations

  • General Household chores

  • General Food Shopping

  • Medication

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